Recensioni dei clienti

Le esperienze con il corso per smettere di fumare sono completamente positive e motivanti.

Questo corso mi ha aiutato a comprendere la mia dipendenza e a smettere con successo.

Luca Ricci
A teal brick wall features a prominent white sign that reads 'This is a SMOKING AREA' in bold black letters. Below the text are graphic symbols of cigarettes indicating permitted smoking. An ashtray is mounted on the wall to the left of the sign, used to dispose of cigarette butts.
A teal brick wall features a prominent white sign that reads 'This is a SMOKING AREA' in bold black letters. Below the text are graphic symbols of cigarettes indicating permitted smoking. An ashtray is mounted on the wall to the left of the sign, used to dispose of cigarette butts.

Il supporto e gli strumenti pratici mi hanno aiutato enormemente a cambiare le mie abitudini e a controllare il desiderio. Adesso mi sento molto meglio.

A no-smoking sign is mounted above a section of wall covered in artificial green grass. There are decorative lights arranged in a triangular pattern hanging down from the sign.
A no-smoking sign is mounted above a section of wall covered in artificial green grass. There are decorative lights arranged in a triangular pattern hanging down from the sign.
Giovanni Rossi